
The CDS portal to quickly download certificates of fitness for one’s job duties
To speed up the delivery of certificates of fitness, which are issued following the medical inspection of employees, an information portal has been put in place which may be accessed from the CDS website. This facility enables one to quickly and efficiently download certificates of fitness of workers of client companies/entities.

In-house scheduling and IT system
One of the CDS’s main strengths is its tried and tested IT system. This is CDS’s own creation and it handles all scheduling and deadline communications with clients. Working together with the client, the system handles the preventive scheduling, using reminders/alerts sent by telephone, e-mail and fax (in accordance with procedures as per UNI EN ISO 9001:2008). This IT system also enables real-time access to a databank for the immediate provision of the anamnestic and health data that are key to the prompt and effective actions of occupational health physicians, and for the compilation of epidemiological and biostatistical data (a compulsory part of the work of occupational health physicians).

Maximum availability to respond to specific needs
All the services provided and managed by CDS are agreed with the client, as are the “how” and “when”, so that they are compatible with the client’s specific needs and make service provision more efficient.
The occupational health physicians are always assisted by nursing staff and/or specialized physicians in the provision of supplementary diagnostic-equipment services such as blood chemistry analysis, audiometric tests, spirometry tests, and ECGs.